Love in a romantic relationship is not just about passion and desire, although those are important aspects too. It is about cherishing and appreciating each other, accepting each other's flaws, and supporting each other's dreams and aspirations. Love is about being there for each other through thick and thin, through the highs and lows of life. It is about being a constant source of love, comfort, and encouragement for our partner.
In this episode, Piecie an Evangelist shares his relationship experience
What is one experience that changed your life?
A bad relationship. It actually led me to draw closer to Jesus And I've never looked back since
Awesome. How did the relationship come about?
It's started as church members who lived each other I was a worship leader and she was a member of the church we hit off pretty good It was so good but everything changed
Things became difficult financially for me
Did you lose your job?
Yes, Due to this I became addicted to borrowing Which was a very bad thing to do
What job were you doing at the time?
I was working in a construction company and schooling at the same time
Must have been challenging
Yes it was
Where did you borrow from?
From friends which got to a time when I couldn't pay back
And your friendships were affected as a result I assume?
Yes. I know it wasn't right but her constant attitudes and bickerings pushed me I did all that just to make her happy
I see, but she was never satisfied
I think she was never satisfied with anything I did. She left me in a very bitter way
We have a son and she just threw it all away. I was done with my national service and was going for my certificate at the regional office
When did she have the baby?
Earlier, before everything went south
Were you guys married?
We were planning to get married
What made her quit if you were planning to?
She constantly kept on saying she wanted a better life I came back home one day to meet an empty room
Lemme guess, she took your son
Yes but I have access to him
What went through your mind when you met the empty room?
I was broken and depressed at the same time
Lemme get this, you were broke, lost your woman and your son, all at once
Exactly. I fell into a deep depression. I still have difficulty sleeping. I was so depressed and heartbroken the day she moved out that I went to a pub to calm down, I don't know how that happened though but I ordered six bottles of alcohol and drank all of it in ten minutes and the funny part is I wasn't drunk. I had never tasted alcohol before and that day was my first
How was that experience for you?
I realised immediately that it was the plan of the enemy I felt dirty. She is now trying to get back but it's too late
Why, Isn't she living the life she wanted?
I think she is now realising that not all that glitters is gold
How old was your son when she left and how old is he now?
He was a year and a half old, He's 7 now
Did you ever see a therapist?
Yes I did but it made things worse
How so?
The constant flashbacks and all was too much for me but Jesus saved me
How did you come to know him, I mean Jesus?
I lost zeal for God when we were together So after everything I knew then that no human relationship can ever make me happy
Can you think of a reason why that happened?
There was a prophecy some years back before we met, It was about me meeting a light skinned lady who had the genitals of a snake who would quench my fire and bring me down and all of that and more played out right before my eyes and the most miserable part was I never recognized all of it until after the breakup
Wow, It came to pass
Every bit of it. I started seeing the world differently
So this led to your walk with Christ
Yes wherever I went, men of God would tell me I had the call of God on my life and that he wants to use me. I was suffering in her hands with her constant verbal abuse
Do you know if she has been delivered?
I don't think so because she and her family have been trying to get me back through demonic mediums but they can't get me again It'll never happen
Right now, what is the call of God on your life, are you walking in it?
As a pastor and an evangelist, Yes by the Grace of God. It was the holy spirit that told me to use my dormant Twitter account to spread his word
Incredible! You can give him a follow on Twitter @Mhinistateddy
What lessons have you learnt in all these and would want a reader to note these from your experience?
I learnt that any relationship without Christ will always become bitter and unhappiness will settle in seeking Jesus Christ first in everything. We should be extra careful when going for love
Thanks for sharing I hope this helps someone out there
Thank you for having me God bless you
You can follow Piecie on Twitter @Mhinistateddy