Addiction is a complex condition that affects people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. It can take the form of substance use disorders such as alcoholism, or it can manifest as behavioral addictions like gambling and gaming.
For those struggling with addiction, the effects can be devastating, leaving individuals feeling powerless and alone. It has the power to tear apart relationships and families, rob individuals of their health and wellbeing, and even take away their lives.
Fortunately, there is help available. Through therapy, support groups, and lifestyle changes, people with addiction can learn to manage their condition and lead healthier, more fulfilling lives. With the right resources and support, a life free from the grip of addiction is possible.
An Information Security Consultant in Lagos shares his addiction to gambling on this episode.
I’m delighted to have you share this experience
I do this gladly
I learned you studied business management in your first degree, and operations research in your second with intentions to add more and a PhD eventually, impressive, what has the journey been like?
As it is in life, perhaps for everyone that works hard, it has been challenging more so on my chosen career path. Transitioning from a non-tech to tech, where as I remember clearly, just few years ago I wouldn’t beat my chest that I have a clear path on what exactly I wanted to do
In a country where it is often said “school na scam”, what drives you to keep pursuing that path? I mean education
I don’t believe school is scam. Knowledge is power. Those that know what they went to school for definitely can’t say school is scam
So, your motivation is knowledge?
Yes. It helps me understand the world better
Fantastic. Were there times you thought you would not make it through?
No, I never thought that. The only uncertainty was where I would end, HR profession, Operations or Accountancy. I just needed momentum.
In the course of your pursuit for all these, what did you struggle with?
I struggled financially. I was not able to afford some certifications that would have given me an advantage in the market.
How did you tackle that?
My friends and family showed up for me especially my older brother. Also, I did some little businesses like data sales. So, I’d advice anyone in a similar situation to find legal businesses they can do while hoping for a breakthrough.
Did you struggle with any addiction at any point?
Yes. Gambling, which finished my money in 2020
How did you find yourself there?
I worked remotely as a result of the lockdown due to covid. Of course, asides work one wants to find something fun to do
You could have fun doing a bunch of other things, why gambling?
I could make money too so I thought
Ok, how did all that go down for you?
I lost a lot. I had to come to my senses that gambling can not make one rich. I mean, I just found myself drowned in the act. Despite trying to stop on several occasions telling yourself it was the last time.
So, beating the addiction was more of a decision, you wanted to stop and you did
Yes. I wasn’t proud of it. It was an act I considered way below what I should be getting myself involved in
Did you ever relapse?
No. because once I stopped I saw I saved more money
Wow! I commend your resilience
Thank you.
What would you advice someone wanting to stop gambling but is finding it difficult?
I remember a guy who had been to 2 different therapists yet could not stop, it made me understand that there are levels of addiction. There is no gain in it, you will only lose more it’s a trap to think you can recover what you’ve lost, gambling is a trap, that constant hope of recovering what you lost is a trap. Decide to stop, occupy your mind with productive activities and tasks when the urge to gamble arises.
Any final words?
Be consistent and diligent, believe in God and have an open mind, strive to achieve more, you deserve more, do not limit yourself
Thank you for sharing
It’s my pleasure
“He who endures, conquers” Persuis